View Profile ripoffhitman
Picture above was made by A8TG.Forum/SIG BY JaY11/"When your kids don't shut up, you know you're not beating them enough".

Age 30, Male


Colorado, USA


Joined on 8/21/06

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uhhhhhhh, same thing happened to me, then as soon as i got back, i posted{not spam}, out of spite, and got banned for 3 more days.

Do you mean they out of spite banned you, or that you posted out of spite? But ya, some mods are ok, but ones that ban every user that accidently posts in a spam thread is just stupid. Blame everyone because of one person, and regulars have more knowledge about what spam is than most mods! Thanks for comment :)

yo i got banned for 11 days for no damn reason.

If you send me the ban error i'll be happy to post the probably smartass comment a mod made on the ban message. But some mods just suck, they think because they have the power to be controlling dicks they need to be. And again, thanks for the comment :)

Yea mods are dicks.

I'm with ya there man, i'm with ya there! Thanks for the comment :)

the first ban i got was for like 3 days... for posting in the ng mafia i think... lol but yea most mods are awsome but some are controlling fags...
oo i think my ban was from maus btw...

Ya, it doesn't even say who banned you anymore, it sucks, so I don't know the faggot who did it. And I still can't find out anyway because the topic was probably deleted. Atleast mine was for 1 day only, and I was asleep for half of the ban. Thanks for the comment :)

Sucks when the autoban hits you...

Ya, but wtf is the point of that anyway, so anyone accidently posting can get banned. I mean just to say, what is the problem with a spam thread getting some posts, what is it going to do, blow up the bbs because a spam topic has some attention. And it wasn't even a spam topic. Well thanks for the comment :)

Just gotta stay alert, and you develop a instinct that tells you...
'HOLY SHIT, my spam sense is tingling...'
Autoban is somtimes nessesary becuase the mods have better things to do than ban 40 faggot spammers in one day...

Bowser, do you think the topic called, "do you think goth girls are hot". And the person starting the topic saying, yes I do, and then why he does. Do you really think that is spam?

the mods suck! i went on holiday two weeks ago, and when i came back on saturday, i went to post on the BBS, and it said i was banned for unnecessary flamebaiting. i was like WTF? it was a ban that ended a day later and the ban was for 3 days meaning i was 'banned' on thursday. i was on holiday, did not go on a computer because it was a camping holiday and there were no libraries around, no-one in my family knows about NG, my friends and family don't know my password. nothing on my profile had changed, so it wasn't hacked into!

my conclusion= some dickhead motherfucker mod decided to ban me for no reason at all, even though i didn't post at all that week. GODDAMN MODS! whoever banned me deserves to lick the foreskin of a randy horse with AIDS.

lol ya.... well atleast you wern't there for the most of the ban, some mods are just bad at , well being mods. You gotta deal with it, but being banned for no reason is just really homosexual(gay). Thanks for the comment :)

wow, you got fapped. same thing happened to me and i dont know the fucker who did it too >_>

mods that cause b& so far:

JoS (for faggot-tree pic xD)
Zerok (for questioning lulz)
unknown fuckbag peiece of shit ( who will be found! OH YES, he will be found >_>)

Ya, it makes mods real pussies that they don't put on who banned you anymore, and that was what, just since the redesign, but still. I would like to know what mods are stupid fags, and which ones are good, so I don't post when a shitty mod is on. Thanks for comment :)

Hmph, sounds like someone manipulated that system...
Sucks for you, good sir...
Awsome profile pic, BTW!

Ya, that's why I said mods suck lol, but if there are good mods, there are always going to be crappy ones. O ya and the pic, that was one I sent too a thread called something like life like, let me think o, "live action icons" I think. I think it is really close to the actual thing, thanks for comment :)

fuckin mods!!!! johnnyutah just banned me because of 'overusage of fail picture'.
i only used it once in a topic that was doomed to die (and a complete insult to madeliene mccann). i am gonna e-mail tom about this and have him sort out these fuckin mods who abuse their power *cough*cough*johnnyutah*cough*

I think johnny is an admin now lol, but it does say directly in the rules, no use of the fail picture. I mean ya, they are being harsh and stupid, but I think yours was more of a just didn't read rules mistake, but still, fuck mods ya!!! lol. thanks for comment :)

oh yeah and i don't think i mentioned that JohnnyUtah sent me a PM threatening to ban me unless i stop 'posting crappy replies'. i got pissed off and replied that thats just a pathetic excuse to pick on someone and ban them for no reason at all.

O, well than I guess he was just being a jackass. thanks for the third comment :)

I have to make my threads sound "right" to the mods. I only once got one of mine threads killed as "spam".

But in that thread I insulted the mods by saying "you're doing shit here"

So they banned me, then I made an alt, Maus found the alt, and we both got a 30-day ban.

Plus I got banned 5 times for replying to spam threads. =P

Ah ya, it sucks, that happens all the time, I make an original thread, that is intelligent, and then just delete it. I mean zerok is a fag, I make a thread saying how many popups have you blocked, and he says it's a stat thread. But then the topic, how many pushups can you do, was on the first page with 10 pages of replies. Thanks for comment :)


I totally get what you mean man, such strong words comming from you. Thanks for comment :)

Dude, those halo results are hardcore...
You aren't on of those losers on XBlive who would call me a 'N****r' or a faggot, are you?
JK, JK...
I will give you the benifit of the doubt because of your refined games choices...
You have good tastes.

Ya seriosly, I go in mods games, and in that one everyone had mods, but after memorizing them all, it becomes really easy to just down teams. And no, I normally respect people on halo, I can occasionaly get kinda pissed, but that's only if like someone keeps spamming aimbotter or fag, even though I don't aimbot, and um... i'm straight lol. But really, if you go into mod games, and you know all the mods, even if your going against others who do too, all ya need is fast fingers, and to memorize the speed of people, and all vehicles so when you shoot with a sniper, you know how much foward from your actual target you need to shoot. It all comes to you when you play the game a lot lol. Thanks for comment :)

It's true. Mods are so fucking corrupt. They'll do anything to make themselves feel big and important. They once banned me for a WHOLE FUCKING MONTH because I said I want to break my audio submission addiction.

On a completely unrelated note, thanks for rave reviewing and favoriting my "I Don't Care" submission :)

Ya, some of them just think they should do everything they can whether good or bad just because they have the power to. And thanks for making i don't care, that is a kickass submission, the solo is just pimpin lol! Thanks for the comment too :)

Also, you have pretty good taste in music. I'll share mine:

Bands/Solo Artists: Led Zeppelin, Bob Marley, Metallica, The Who, Iron Maiden, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Jimi Hendrix, James Brown, Johnny Cash, Aerosmith, Van Halen (I'm seeing them in concert soon), Neil Young, Ludwig van Beethoven, AC/DC, Elton John, Deep Purple, Return To Forever, Chuck Berry, Aretha Franklin, Cream, Johann Sebastian Bach, Yes, Miles Davis, etc.

Cream, I think that was eric claptons old band, well one he was in. Johann, old classic musician, I play trumpet and get some of his music in band. Bob marley, pretty good on reggae, made the song that time magazine considered best song in the world. You got nice tastes from what I see. Thanks for the comment :)