View Profile ripoffhitman
Picture above was made by A8TG.Forum/SIG BY JaY11/"When your kids don't shut up, you know you're not beating them enough".

Age 30, Male


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Joined on 8/21/06

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Cool user list

Posted by ripoffhitman - October 14th, 2007


MUcrazyFan : Because it took me like 6 months to put him on the list.
Shikamaru999 : He asked for it in a comment, said please. He also sent me some videos of Dane Cook, who at the time wasn't famous and was actually funny.
PrivateJoker92 : Sent me a pm asking to be added, and that rock and roll is awesome.
tramps : BBS regular who is also and 06'er that makes good topics and is recognizable to the forums.
Twilight : BBS regular who actually read the page titled "Rules - READ THIS BEFORE POSTING!"
RockinPunk : Cause rock n roll, rocks!
flubeca : Cause rock n roll, rocks!
killslasher : Sent me like random pm's.
SevenSeize She likes photography a lot, which is hard to find, and I laugh at those who consider it not art related. And she is nice, and like the only mod who reads all the comments that are posted on her userpage.
greensucksbluerules: Cause he's friends with evilbowser, and I put him at the top because he made fun of kippthecool :)
TehreTard : As a token of my sorry... ness. I can't really think of a specific reason to put him on since i've been calling the guy an asshole for the last what, YEAR!
XD0042006 : I actually see you a lot on the forums, a lot of people call you fat lol. But ya, and so you don't whine and bitch, and for multiple writeen responses, and for following the terms of not being an ass, you are promoted!
xXCostelloXx :Because we made a deal, and he is also a cool guy with a CRAPLOAD of comments on his userpage.
Jack Morrison : Might be 4chan like, but a cool helpful dude who likes ska music, which ends up being pretty hard to find in people.
King-Sephiroth : Dude sent me some pm's a while ago, cool dude, also plays in a band, not like a 3 person but more like a hundred man band, school band.
greenfaerie4: cause she's like kewl, 'n stuff. A very good artist, also not snobbish about it, helpful, real nice girl.
Duh-Boss: Cool guy, sent me a pm, said please, and is funny as well. So ya, welcome to the list of people who didn't get rejected lol
FULLMETALHOBO21: Cool dude, don't talk to em much, but a honest guy.
Gorebastard: Talk to him sometimes, he has some really kickass music, some nice metal. Also just a cool guy.
Alicethedroog: Funny pictures, never seen such weird sketches, but I guess even art can make you laugh.
pHuXxXB0xX: Sent me like 5 random pm's in a row. Cool dude by the way.
Ejit: Plays halo, actually a intelligent user, now That, is hard to find.
SacredShit : Said please and has one kickass name! Also added some comments to my page, so you sir are promoted!
Robattle: Funniest fucking sig I have ever seen, and it doesn't even have nudity.
Adompeace: I gotta say, makes some pretty good punk music for a guy who is unsigned. Also helpful, sending me an email with the old version of a song. (More like 50, of the email, lol) href=Url for Adompeace's song
ninja2142 : Honestly, it gets really anoying when you have people go into the audio portal, vote on submissions, but then never review them. This guy as well as Adompeace gave me good critisizm on some of my submissions, and that is much better than the arrogant assholes going around zero bombing submissions because they think they know everything about everthing in terms of music.
Madcow: Women are really robots, o yes, anyone disagreeing is just stubborn.
Mechabloby: Weird name, weird topics, just, wierd.
Killerjeff : He isn't an ass anymore I guess, so ugh, you get on the list lol. To think how many stupid grudges I have had with people...
insertfunnyusername: Funny cool girl, also likes Reel Big Fish, but who can't I mean, I just can't see it possible.
Evilerbowser1001 : Sent me like 10 pm's, like 5 comments on my page, cool guy.
A8TG: Makes good posts, i've been seeing of a lot him in the forums today, that being october 17th.

The below list is for people I just put on to be nice, but probably barely know.

UnknownFear : He sent a PM with fractured english, so he is now king of the lower list
Biohasard : Sent a pm and threatened for top spot. Your request will not be filled but your ballsy'ness gets you as Governor of the lower list.
redfield95 : He said he'd do anything, ANYTHING
shafferpurr3 : He likes hooker tits, good enough for me.
mafiaclock321 : Because I like my limbs being attached to my body...
Dookiemaister : For pure irony. And he's kinda funny I guess.
metalgearray : Asked me in a pm indeedly.
Incubus-boy : Thou shalt be added for commenting, or something like that.
ShadowWest2k7 : He asked, and hands out cookies to random people, which is, I don't know.
squidy: Cause he bin kewl!
SaltshakerClock I see him comment on a lot of peoples userpages, and he said please.
smicothegreat: Cause Pico owns, and he said please...
PinballWizard976 : Because he likes classic rock a lot, and that is a good enough reason to put someone on this list, right?
I-Rule-Over-All : He said please
DarkWizard1992 : He asked me to, and talking british is funny.
iateamexican : he said please
crazylogic : He wants to be on the list I guess, and the link on his signature is awesome. Heil Satan!
LordZeebmork: To be nice
AWFULAWFUL : Actually, I don't know why I am adding him... but who cares.
Drildo : Slightly humourous username
Buster1 : He said he should be on the list.
VillainPact : He asked me to add someone else but i'll add him too. And every time I see the low amount of comments on his userpage it kills me inside
Knightsofthecircle : I'll add you even though your username sounds like a japanese rip-off of a disney movie
Life-Stream : Prooving that you can be on this list, and insult me at the same time
killerhatch : Apparently he's doing it right
jonaathan : Well with this guys name added I guess my list is now cool
dema-the-hedgehog : I will be forever loved
bgraybr : If you pm me I guess you are pretty much guaranteed a stop on this list.
hallaby : Claims to be awesome and cool
Jewdudewtf : For the feat of the common Jew.
TheSilverGuitar : Eh, it says guitar, good enough for me I guess
HighWayStar365 : Cause he's a highway star every day of the year,(but only on leap years)
lazyyMitch : He sent me multiple random pm's
The-Great-One : He sent me some random pm's
sk8erkid95 : He asked me to in a pm
LOLZILLA : For the lolz.
Splurda : He drew a cool picture of m-bot and posted 2 comments.
WatchurFLAG : I should start limiting the people who are on this list, shit, I wish I wasn't the user with this as their description.
greenfrost6 : Football and long walks on the beach, the most manly things to do!
NecroPunished : China thinks he's kool.
Robotchk12 : Said please and watches Robot Chicken... why the fuck IS he on the list you ask?
Alcohol1 : I have to say, never seen a guy loved by the public so quickly on this site, has to be the most well known 07'er, grats.
maddog1095 : Said please, likes halo a lot
Ashforpride: Good topics, good movies, gotta say he's one funny guy.
Chronamut : He indirectly asked, and you have to have a iq higher than 90 percent of newgrounds to do that.
Lizzardis : Learn to write properly and you might not always be at the bottom of this list.


I thought my sig was getting old, so I got a new one.

I still consider it the best sig on newgrounds. Well, was, and thanks for the comment :) And iron-owns-u is a faggot.

i fucking hate you too! bitch
(oh god i hope he adds me to his list)

I'll add you to dah list because you speak your mind, and out of pure irony as well. Thanks for comment.


keh!, like I said, not finished with it. Thanks for comment!

Yea, add me too...


Actually i've seen a lot of yours posts today, ok guy, i'll add. Thanks for comment :)

I'm really not a big fan of reel big fish. I just wanted to participate in some collab flash at the time.

Don't say that man, don't say that, it's the best fucking band ever. But I still thought the collab was really cool, they're done collabs of atlesat like 5-10 of their songs, all having good scores.

I sware if you don't put me on that list.......I'll start crying.


Then start crying.. biatch. Jk

hey do I know you from some were?

I go on the forums a lot of put stuff on peoples userpages. So maybe

where's my name, you probably don't know me, i'm popular doh, and i've been on at least 24, wait no 25 today list like this, add now please??

Well you said please..... so yes

Igh bin cool!

You have bin cool! :0

I'm going to cry.

Me to, it's just horrible, how could this have happened to us, and all so suddenly. Wait what are we crying about again?

Damn I'm not cool :(

No you're not cool, you're kewl :)

Greensucksbluerules is just like the blue in his namesake...
He's pretty cool if you know him.

Ok, i'll make sure to get to know the guy. :)

Woo hoo!
This popped up when i googled my name, could'a sword I made it to another hate list.

lol, good for you huh. Ya, this is on the fifth page when you search alicethedroog.

I just noticed your entry for 'InsertFunnyUserName'
You call girls 'dudes'?

Ya, i actually I do, I don't really consider dudet a word, but ya, i'll just change that sentence, thanks for the imformation.

Twone: the face-melter of the group

Sup man.

I'm not even on there!
What is this nonsense?

Nonsense, this is madness. Wait...

Noyce! I'm kewl yay!

"A8TG: Makes good posts, i've been seeing of a lot him in the forums today, that being october 17th."

Coolio, to the max.

Eh man, I say what I think, and you seem to be a cool user. So ya, you deserve to be on the list :)

I'm gonna make my own list, but with a twist.

Check it out tomorrow. PM me for details.


Cool, I like the list idea, it helps people understand and get to know the good users on newgrounds, instead of triyng to look for 1 out of a hundred people who arn't just perverted jackasses.

Well, I do it for the lawls.

Go do your homework boi! And lawls received :)

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