I think it's good.
I will obviosly get people pissy by saying this, but in my opinion, this is true. Egoraptor has been taking awards for a while, on movies he didn't work hard on. Now I know all you people think critisizm is just insults, it isn't, it's telling someone how to get better. And egoraptor, he could make his graphics a lot better. People think a movie should get a 5 just because the animator can make mouth movements when they talk, but it shouldn't.
The flash itself, was depicting egoraptor's movies by exagerating the low amount of time put into it. This flash might not have taken so long, but it's got a point. Don't tell me egoraptors flashes have a point, just because some guy can over exagerate little mistakes in a game doesn't make him good.
Once agian, I know people will get pissy, but i'm fine with it, people need a reality check on what is good and bad humor.